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Logo USWDS + Tailwind

Build federal websites and applications faster than ever.

Use the same great design system you already know and love with the speed and flexibility of modern tooling.

Industry Leading Dev Tools

Tailwind Logo
Alpine Logo
Parcel Logo

Compile Time

Using Parcel, we're able to compile all of our assets extremely quickly. In fact, the CSS itself only takes around 60ms!

Project Name Compile Time
USWDS + Tailwind 0.6 seconds (7 times faster than USWDS)
USWDS 2.4 seconds

CSS Size

Thanks to Tailwind's "just-in-time" compiler, we only generate the CSS we actually use. For example, the CSS of this site only reaches around 160 KB.

Project Name CSS Size
USWDS + Tailwind 123 kilobytes (4 times smaller than USWDS)
USWDS 2.4 kilobytes


Strictly follows WAI-ARIA and Section 508 standards for all components.


Customize any part of our components to match your design needs.


Designed with composition in mind. Compose new designs with ease.


Optimized for multiple color modes including high-contrast.

Developer Experience

Boost your productivity by leveraging familiar VSCode extensions.


Reduce your footprint allowing and increase overall UX.