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Logo USWDS + Tailwind

Getting Started

Getting started with USWDS + Tailwind is fast and easy. Following the guidance below, you'll be up and running in just a few minutes.

  1. Setup

    Initialize your project

    Terminal window
    mkdir my-project && cd my-project
    npm init -y

    Install dependencies

    This project requires installing a few dependencies to get started:


    Terminal window
    npm i -D parcel

    Tailwind and plugins

    Terminal window
    npm i -D tailwindcss @tailwindcss/container-queries @tailwindcss/forms @tailwindcss/typography tailwindcss-animate postcss

    Alpine and plugins

    Terminal window
    npm i @alpinejs/csp @alpinejs/anchor @alpinejs/focus @alpinejs/mask

    Install fonts

    Terminal window
    npm i @fontsource-variable/open-sans @fontsource-variable/public-sans @fontsource-variable/roboto-mono @fontsource-variable/source-sans-3 @fontsource/merriweather

    Install icons

    Terminal window
    npm i -D @iconify/tailwind @iconify-json/fa6-brands @iconify-json/material-symbols
  2. Project structure

    Now that we’ve installed our necessary dependencies, let’s build out our project structure and finish setting up our various configurations.

    Terminal window
    mkdir {src,src/assets,src/assets/js,src/assets/css}
    touch src/index.html src/assets/js/main.js src/assets/css/styles.css .postcssrc.json tailwind.config.js .gitignore

    Your project structure should look like this:

    ├── node_modules/
    ├── src/
    │ ├── assets/
    │ │ ├── js/
    | | │ └── main.js
    │ │ └── css/
    | | └── styles.css
    | └── index.html
    ├── package-lock.json
    ├── package.json
    ├── .postcssrc
    └── tailwind.config.js
  3. Configure project


    Parcel allows us to configure our project directly in the package.json file, add the following:

    // ...
    "scripts": {
    "dev": "parcel watch",
    "build": "parcel build"
    // ...
    "targets": {
    "js": {
    "source": "src/assets/js/main.js",
    "distDir": "build/js"
    "css": {
    "source": "src/assets/css/styles.css",
    "distDir": "build/css"
    "browserslist": [
    "> 0.5%",
    "last 2 versions",
    "IE 11",
    "not dead"

    This adds a dev script that we can use to compile our assets during development and a build script that optimizes our assets for production.

    targets tells Parcel where to look for and send our built assets.

    Finally, browserslist tells Parcel what browsers are supported and how to properly build our assets. For more information on our default setting, head to browserslist.


    In the .postcssrc.json file, add the following:

    "plugins": {
    "tailwindcss": {}


    Start by configuring tailwind.config.js. This configures all of the USWDS colors, breakpoint and container query prefixes, and more.

    Note that some breakpoint and container query sizes are commented out; while additional sizes are supported, it is encouraged use as few media queries as possible to limit the complexity of your application as it grows. By default, the USWDS only uses the mobile-lg, tablet, and desktop breakpoints and container query sizes.

    import { addDynamicIconSelectors } from '@iconify/tailwind'
    import tailwindForms from '@tailwindcss/forms'
    import tailwindTypography from '@tailwindcss/typography'
    import tailwindAnimate from "tailwindcss-animate"
    import tailwindContainerQueries from "@tailwindcss/container-queries"
    import plugin from 'tailwindcss/plugin'
    const config = {
    content: ['./src/**/*.{html,twig,php}'],
    corePlugins: {
    fontFamily: false,
    theme: {
    fontSize: {
    xs: ['calc(0.75rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1rem * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    sm: ['calc(0.875rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1.25rem * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    base: ['calc(1rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1.5rem * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    lg: ['calc(1.125rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1.75rem * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    xl: ['calc(1.25rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1.75rem * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    '2xl': ['calc(1.5rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(2rem * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    '3xl': ['calc(1.875rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(2.25rem * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    '4xl': ['calc(2.25rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(2.5rem * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    '5xl': ['calc(3rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1 * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    '6xl': ['calc(3.75rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1 * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    '7xl': ['calc(4.5rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1 * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    '8xl': ['calc(6rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1 * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    '9xl': ['calc(8rem * var(--font-normalization))', { lineHeight: 'calc(1 * var(--font-normalization))' }],
    colors: {
    transparent: 'transparent',
    current: 'currentColor',
    white: "#ffffff",
    black: "#000000",
    "red-cool-5": "#f8eff1",
    "red-cool-10": "#f3e1e4",
    "red-cool-20": "#ecbec6",
    "red-cool-30": "#e09aa6",
    "red-cool-40": "#e16b80",
    "red-cool-50": "#cd425b",
    "red-cool-60": "#9e394b",
    "red-cool-70": "#68363f",
    "red-cool-80": "#40282c",
    "red-cool-90": "#1e1517",
    "red-cool-5v": "#fff2f5",
    "red-cool-10v": "#f8dfe2",
    "red-cool-20v": "#f8b9c5",
    "red-cool-30v": "#fd8ba0",
    "red-cool-40v": "#f45d79",
    "red-cool-50v": "#e41d3d",
    "red-cool-60v": "#b21d38",
    "red-cool-70v": "#822133",
    "red-cool-80v": "#4f1c24",
    "red-5": "#f9eeee",
    "red-10": "#f8e1de",
    "red-20": "#f7bbb1",
    "red-30": "#f2938c",
    "red-40": "#e9695f",
    "red-50": "#d83933",
    "red-60": "#a23737",
    "red-70": "#6f3331",
    "red-80": "#3e2927",
    "red-90": "#1b1616",
    "red-warm-5": "#f6efea",
    "red-warm-10": "#f4e3db",
    "red-warm-20": "#ecc0a7",
    "red-warm-30": "#dca081",
    "red-warm-40": "#d27a56",
    "red-warm-50": "#c3512c",
    "red-warm-60": "#805039",
    "red-warm-70": "#524236",
    "red-warm-80": "#332d29",
    "red-warm-90": "#1f1c18",
    "red-warm-5v": "#fff5ee",
    "red-warm-10v": "#fce1d4",
    "red-warm-20v": "#f6bd9c",
    "red-warm-30v": "#f39268",
    "red-warm-40v": "#ef5e25",
    "red-warm-50v": "#d54309",
    "red-warm-60v": "#9c3d10",
    "red-warm-70v": "#63340f",
    "red-warm-80v": "#3e2a1e",
    "red-5v": "#fff3f2",
    "red-10v": "#fde0db",
    "red-20v": "#fdb8ae",
    "red-30v": "#ff8d7b",
    "red-40v": "#fb5a47",
    "red-50v": "#e52207",
    "red-60v": "#b50909",
    "red-70v": "#8b0a03",
    "red-80v": "#5c1111",
    "orange-warm-5": "#faeee5",
    "orange-warm-10": "#fbe0d0",
    "orange-warm-20": "#f7bca2",
    "orange-warm-30": "#f3966d",
    "orange-warm-40": "#e17141",
    "orange-warm-50": "#bd5727",
    "orange-warm-60": "#914734",
    "orange-warm-70": "#633a32",
    "orange-warm-80": "#3d2925",
    "orange-warm-90": "#1c1615",
    "orange-warm-5v": "#fff3ea",
    "orange-warm-10v": "#ffe2d1",
    "orange-warm-20v": "#fbbaa7",
    "orange-warm-30v": "#fc906d",
    "orange-warm-40v": "#ff580a",
    "orange-warm-50v": "#cf4900",
    "orange-warm-60v": "#a72f10",
    "orange-warm-70v": "#782312",
    "orange-warm-80v": "#3d231d",
    "orange-5": "#f6efe9",
    "orange-10": "#f2e4d4",
    "orange-20": "#f3bf90",
    "orange-30": "#f09860",
    "orange-40": "#dd7533",
    "orange-50": "#a86437",
    "orange-60": "#775540",
    "orange-70": "#524236",
    "orange-80": "#332d27",
    "orange-90": "#1b1614",
    "orange-5v": "#fef2e4",
    "orange-10v": "#fce2c5",
    "orange-20v": "#ffbc78",
    "orange-30v": "#fa9441",
    "orange-40v": "#e66f0e",
    "orange-50v": "#c05600",
    "orange-60v": "#8c471c",
    "orange-70v": "#5f3617",
    "orange-80v": "#352313",
    "gold-5": "#f5f0e6",
    "gold-10": "#f1e5cd",
    "gold-20": "#dec69a",
    "gold-30": "#c7a97b",
    "gold-40": "#ad8b65",
    "gold-50": "#8e704f",
    "gold-60": "#6b5947",
    "gold-70": "#4d4438",
    "gold-80": "#322d26",
    "gold-90": "#191714",
    "gold-5v": "#fef0c8",
    "gold-10v": "#ffe396",
    "gold-20v": "#ffbe2e",
    "gold-30v": "#e5a000",
    "gold-40v": "#c2850c",
    "gold-50v": "#936f38",
    "gold-60v": "#7a591a",
    "gold-70v": "#5c410a",
    "gold-80v": "#3b2b15",
    "yellow-5": "#faf3d1",
    "yellow-10": "#f5e6af",
    "yellow-20": "#e6c74c",
    "yellow-30": "#c9ab48",
    "yellow-40": "#a88f48",
    "yellow-50": "#8a7237",
    "yellow-60": "#6b5a39",
    "yellow-70": "#504332",
    "yellow-80": "#332d27",
    "yellow-90": "#1a1614",
    "yellow-5v": "#fff5c2",
    "yellow-10v": "#fee685",
    "yellow-20v": "#face00",
    "yellow-30v": "#ddaa01",
    "yellow-40v": "#b38c00",
    "yellow-50v": "#947100",
    "yellow-60v": "#776017",
    "yellow-70v": "#5c4809",
    "yellow-80v": "#422d19",
    "green-warm-5": "#f1f4d7",
    "green-warm-10": "#e7eab7",
    "green-warm-20": "#cbd17a",
    "green-warm-30": "#a6b557",
    "green-warm-40": "#8a984b",
    "green-warm-50": "#6f7a41",
    "green-warm-60": "#5a5f38",
    "green-warm-70": "#45472f",
    "green-warm-80": "#2d2f21",
    "green-warm-90": "#171712",
    "green-warm-5v": "#f5fbc1",
    "green-warm-10v": "#e7f434",
    "green-warm-20v": "#c5d30a",
    "green-warm-30v": "#a3b72c",
    "green-warm-40v": "#7e9c1d",
    "green-warm-50v": "#6a7d00",
    "green-warm-60v": "#5a6613",
    "green-warm-70v": "#4b4e10",
    "green-warm-80v": "#38380b",
    "green-5": "#eaf4dd",
    "green-10": "#dfeacd",
    "green-20": "#b8d293",
    "green-30": "#9bb672",
    "green-40": "#7d9b4e",
    "green-50": "#607f35",
    "green-60": "#4c6424",
    "green-70": "#3c4a29",
    "green-80": "#293021",
    "green-90": "#161814",
    "green-5v": "#ddf9c7",
    "green-10v": "#c5ee93",
    "green-20v": "#98d035",
    "green-30v": "#7fb135",
    "green-40v": "#719f2a",
    "green-50v": "#538200",
    "green-60v": "#466c04",
    "green-70v": "#2f4a0b",
    "green-80v": "#243413",
    "green-cool-5": "#ecf3ec",
    "green-cool-10": "#dbebde",
    "green-cool-20": "#b4d0b9",
    "green-cool-30": "#86b98e",
    "green-cool-40": "#5e9f69",
    "green-cool-50": "#4d8055",
    "green-cool-60": "#446443",
    "green-cool-70": "#37493b",
    "green-cool-80": "#28312a",
    "green-cool-90": "#1a1f1a",
    "green-cool-5v": "#e3f5e1",
    "green-cool-10v": "#b7f5bd",
    "green-cool-20v": "#70e17b",
    "green-cool-30v": "#21c834",
    "green-cool-40v": "#00a91c",
    "green-cool-50v": "#008817",
    "green-cool-60v": "#216e1f",
    "green-cool-70v": "#154c21",
    "green-cool-80v": "#19311e",
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    "mint-60": "#286846",
    "mint-70": "#204e34",
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    "mint-cool-50": "#40807e",
    "mint-cool-60": "#376462",
    "mint-cool-70": "#2a4b45",
    "mint-cool-80": "#203131",
    "mint-cool-90": "#111818",
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    "mint-cool-20v": "#29e1cb",
    "mint-cool-30v": "#1dc2ae",
    "mint-cool-40v": "#00a398",
    "mint-cool-50v": "#008480",
    "mint-cool-60v": "#0f6460",
    "mint-cool-70v": "#0b4b3f",
    "mint-cool-80v": "#123131",
    "cyan-5": "#e7f6f8",
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    "cyan-40": "#449dac",
    "cyan-50": "#168092",
    "cyan-60": "#2a646d",
    "cyan-70": "#2c4a4e",
    "cyan-80": "#203133",
    "cyan-90": "#111819",
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    "blue-cool-5": "#e7f2f5",
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    "blue-cool-50": "#3a7d95",
    "blue-cool-60": "#2e6276",
    "blue-cool-70": "#224a58",
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    "blue-cool-20v": "#97d4ea",
    "blue-cool-30v": "#59b9de",
    "blue-cool-40v": "#28a0cb",
    "blue-cool-50v": "#0d7ea2",
    "blue-cool-60v": "#07648d",
    "blue-cool-70v": "#074b69",
    "blue-cool-80v": "#002d3f",
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    "blue-20": "#aacdec",
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    "blue-40": "#4f97d1",
    "blue-50": "#2378c3",
    "blue-60": "#2c608a",
    "blue-70": "#274863",
    "blue-80": "#1f303e",
    "blue-90": "#11181d",
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    "blue-20v": "#a1d3ff",
    "blue-30v": "#58b4ff",
    "blue-40v": "#2491ff",
    "blue-50v": "#0076d6",
    "blue-60v": "#005ea2",
    "blue-70v": "#0b4778",
    "blue-80v": "#112f4e",
    "blue-warm-5": "#ecf1f7",
    "blue-warm-10": "#e1e7f1",
    "blue-warm-20": "#bbcae4",
    "blue-warm-30": "#98afd2",
    "blue-warm-40": "#7292c7",
    "blue-warm-50": "#4a77b4",
    "blue-warm-60": "#345d96",
    "blue-warm-70": "#2f4668",
    "blue-warm-80": "#252f3e",
    "blue-warm-90": "#13171f",
    "blue-warm-5v": "#edf5ff",
    "blue-warm-10v": "#d4e5ff",
    "blue-warm-20v": "#adcdff",
    "blue-warm-30v": "#81aefc",
    "blue-warm-40v": "#5994f6",
    "blue-warm-50v": "#2672de",
    "blue-warm-60v": "#0050d8",
    "blue-warm-70v": "#1a4480",
    "blue-warm-80v": "#162e51",
    "indigo-cool-5": "#eef0f9",
    "indigo-cool-10": "#e1e6f9",
    "indigo-cool-20": "#bbc8f5",
    "indigo-cool-30": "#96abee",
    "indigo-cool-40": "#6b8ee8",
    "indigo-cool-50": "#496fd8",
    "indigo-cool-60": "#3f57a6",
    "indigo-cool-70": "#374274",
    "indigo-cool-80": "#292d42",
    "indigo-cool-90": "#151622",
    "indigo-cool-5v": "#edf0ff",
    "indigo-cool-10v": "#dee5ff",
    "indigo-cool-20v": "#b8c8ff",
    "indigo-cool-30v": "#94adff",
    "indigo-cool-40v": "#628ef4",
    "indigo-cool-50v": "#4866ff",
    "indigo-cool-60v": "#3e4ded",
    "indigo-cool-70v": "#222fbf",
    "indigo-cool-80v": "#1b2b85",
    "indigo-5": "#efeff8",
    "indigo-10": "#e5e4fa",
    "indigo-20": "#c5c5f3",
    "indigo-30": "#a5a8eb",
    "indigo-40": "#8889db",
    "indigo-50": "#676cc8",
    "indigo-60": "#4d52af",
    "indigo-70": "#3d4076",
    "indigo-80": "#2b2c40",
    "indigo-90": "#16171f",
    "indigo-5v": "#f0f0ff",
    "indigo-10v": "#e0e0ff",
    "indigo-20v": "#ccceff",
    "indigo-30v": "#a3a7fa",
    "indigo-40v": "#8289ff",
    "indigo-50v": "#656bd7",
    "indigo-60v": "#4a50c4",
    "indigo-70v": "#3333a3",
    "indigo-80v": "#212463",
    "indigo-warm-5": "#f1eff7",
    "indigo-warm-10": "#e7e3fa",
    "indigo-warm-20": "#cbc4f2",
    "indigo-warm-30": "#afa5e8",
    "indigo-warm-40": "#9287d8",
    "indigo-warm-50": "#7665d1",
    "indigo-warm-60": "#5e519e",
    "indigo-warm-70": "#453c7b",
    "indigo-warm-80": "#2e2c40",
    "indigo-warm-90": "#18161d",
    "indigo-warm-5v": "#f5f2ff",
    "indigo-warm-10v": "#e4deff",
    "indigo-warm-20v": "#cfc4fd",
    "indigo-warm-30v": "#b69fff",
    "indigo-warm-40v": "#967efb",
    "indigo-warm-50v": "#745fe9",
    "indigo-warm-60v": "#5942d2",
    "indigo-warm-70v": "#3d2c9d",
    "indigo-warm-80v": "#261f5b",
    "violet-5": "#f4f1f9",
    "violet-10": "#ebe3f9",
    "violet-20": "#d0c3e9",
    "violet-30": "#b8a2e3",
    "violet-40": "#9d84d2",
    "violet-50": "#8168b3",
    "violet-60": "#665190",
    "violet-70": "#4c3d69",
    "violet-80": "#312b3f",
    "violet-90": "#18161d",
    "violet-5v": "#f7f2ff",
    "violet-10v": "#ede3ff",
    "violet-20v": "#d5bfff",
    "violet-30v": "#c39deb",
    "violet-40v": "#ad79e9",
    "violet-50v": "#9355dc",
    "violet-60v": "#783cb9",
    "violet-70v": "#54278f",
    "violet-80v": "#39215e",
    "violet-warm-5": "#f8f0f9",
    "violet-warm-10": "#f6dff8",
    "violet-warm-20": "#e2bee4",
    "violet-warm-30": "#d29ad8",
    "violet-warm-40": "#bf77c8",
    "violet-warm-50": "#b04abd",
    "violet-warm-60": "#864381",
    "violet-warm-70": "#5c395a",
    "violet-warm-80": "#382936",
    "violet-warm-90": "#1b151b",
    "violet-warm-5v": "#fef2ff",
    "violet-warm-10v": "#fbdcff",
    "violet-warm-20v": "#f4b2ff",
    "violet-warm-30v": "#ee83ff",
    "violet-warm-40v": "#d85bef",
    "violet-warm-50v": "#be32d0",
    "violet-warm-60v": "#93348c",
    "violet-warm-70v": "#711e6c",
    "violet-warm-80v": "#481441",
    "magenta-5": "#f9f0f2",
    "magenta-10": "#f6e1e8",
    "magenta-20": "#f0bbcc",
    "magenta-30": "#e895b3",
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    textTransform: 'uppercase',
    plugins: [
    scale: 0
    strategy: 'class'
    plugin(function ({ theme, addVariant, addUtilities, matchUtilities }) {
    addVariant('thumb', ['&::-webkit-slider-thumb', '&::-moz-range-thumb', '&::-ms-thumb'])
    addVariant('track', ['&::-webkit-slider-runnable-track', '&::-moz-range-track', '&::-ms-track'])
    addVariant('valid', ['&[data-valid]'])
    addVariant('invalid', ['&[data-invalid]'])
    addVariant('forced-colors', '@media (forced-colors: active)')
    '[hidden=until-found]': {
    '@supports (content-visibility:hidden)': {
    display: 'inherit',
    'content-visibility': 'hidden',
    font: (value) => {
    const { fontFamily, multiplier } = value
    return {
    '--font-normalization': multiplier,
    fontFamily: fontFamily
    values: theme('fontFamily'),
    export default config


    Then, import your fonts and @tailwind directives into your src/assets/css/styles.css file.

    // Only import the fonts you need!
    @import "npm:@fontsource-variable/open-sans";
    @import "npm:@fontsource-variable/public-sans";
    @import "npm:@fontsource-variable/roboto-mono";
    @import "npm:@fontsource-variable/source-sans-3";
    @import "npm:@fontsource/merriweather/300.css";
    @import "npm:@fontsource/merriweather/400.css";
    @import "npm:@fontsource/merriweather/700.css";
    @import "npm:@fontsource/merriweather/900.css";
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;


    Now, update your src/assets/js/main.js file to import Alpine and it’s various plugins:

    More information about component specific plugins can be found on the JavaScript page.
    import Alpine from "@alpinejs/csp";
    import focus from "@alpinejs/focus"
    import mask from '@alpinejs/mask'
    import anchor from '@alpinejs/anchor'
    if (typeof window.Alpine === "undefined") {
    window.Alpine = Alpine

    Finally, update your src/index.html with the following:

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <title>USWDS + Tailwind</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../build/css/styles.css" />
    var fallback = setTimeout(function () {
    }, 3000);
    window.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
    <script defer src="../build/js/main.js"></script>
    <body x-data class="font-source-sans">
    <div class="py-4 px-3 mx-auto max-w-screen-desktop">
    <h1 class="text-4xl font-bold max-w-prose mb-4">
    Welcome to USWDS + Tailwind!
    class="rounded font-bold leading-none text-white px-5 py-3 bg-blue-60v hover:bg-blue-warm-70v active:bg-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v"


    Before we push any code to our repository, we’ll want to add a .gitignore file. This way, we dont push unnecessary or redundant code to our remote repository.

    Our .gitignore should include the following:


    If you’re manually compiling your CSS and JavaScript assets locally before a deployment, don’t add the build directory to your .gitignore.

  4. Complete!

    Awesome, now everything is set up! You can run npm run dev and open the index.html file to see your project in action!

    If you’re using any of the interactive components that require JavaScript, head to the JavaScript page to see how to implement the various plugins.