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A modal disables page content and focuses the user’s attention on a single task or message.

This component requires the following JavaScript plugin:






Mobile Lg






Are you sure you want to continue?

You have unsaved changes that will be lost.

<div x-modal>
<button x-modal:trigger class="rounded font-bold leading-none text-white px-5 py-3 bg-blue-60v hover:bg-blue-warm-70v active:bg-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Open default modal</button>
<div x-cloak x-modal:dialog class="fixed inset-0 overflow-y-auto flex items-center justify-center p-4 z-50 animate-in ease-in-out duration-150 fade-in">
<div x-modal:content class="@container relative w-full max-w-lg rounded-lg bg-white shadow-lg">
<div class="p-8 pt-10">
<h2 x-modal:title class="text-xl font-bold font-merriweather">Are you sure you want to continue?</h2>
<div class="mt-4">
<p x-modal:description class="mt-2 text-gray-600">You have unsaved changes that will be lost.</p>
<div class="mt-6">
<ul class="flex flex-col @mobile-lg:flex-row gap-2">
<li class="flex">
<button x-modal:close-button type="button" class="rounded font-bold leading-none text-white px-5 py-3 bg-blue-60v hover:bg-blue-warm-70v active:bg-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Continue without saving</button>
<li class="flex">
<button x-modal:close-button type="button" class="p-3 underline leading-none text-blue-60v bg-transparent hover:text-blue-warm-70v active:text-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Go back</button>
<button x-modal:close-button type="button" class="absolute top-0 right-0 p-1 text-gray-50 bg-transparent rounded hover:text-gray-90 active:text-gray-90 focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v" aria-label="Close this window">
<div class="icon-[material-symbols--close] size-8 mt-0.5 mr-0.5 align-middle"></div>
<template x-teleport="body">
<div x-cloak x-modal:backdrop class="fixed z-40 inset-0 bg-black/70 animate-in ease-in-out duration-150 fade-in"></div>





Mobile Lg






Are you sure you want to continue?

You have unsaved changes that will be lost.

<div x-modal>
<button x-modal:trigger class="rounded font-bold leading-none text-white px-5 py-3 bg-blue-60v hover:bg-blue-warm-70v active:bg-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Open large modal</button>
<div x-cloak x-modal:dialog class="fixed inset-0 overflow-y-auto flex items-center justify-center p-4 z-50 animate-in ease-in-out duration-150 fade-in">
<div x-modal:content class="@container relative w-full max-w-4xl rounded-lg bg-white shadow-lg">
<div class="px-8 pb-16 pt-14 w-full max-w-2xl mx-auto">
<h2 x-modal:title class="text-3xl font-bold font-merriweather">Are you sure you want to continue?</h2>
<div class="mt-4">
<p x-modal:description class="mt-2 text-gray-600">You have unsaved changes that will be lost.</p>
<div class="mt-6">
<ul class="flex flex-col @mobile-lg:flex-row gap-2">
<li class="flex">
<button x-modal:close-button type="button" class="rounded font-bold leading-none text-white px-5 py-3 bg-blue-60v hover:bg-blue-warm-70v active:bg-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Continue without saving</button>
<li class="flex">
<button x-modal:close-button type="button" class="p-3 underline leading-none text-blue-60v bg-transparent hover:text-blue-warm-70v active:text-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Go back</button>
<button x-modal:close-button type="button" class="absolute top-0 right-0 p-1 text-gray-50 bg-transparent rounded hover:text-gray-90 active:text-gray-90 focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v" aria-label="Close this window">
<div class="icon-[material-symbols--close] size-8 mt-0.5 mr-0.5 align-middle"></div>
<template x-teleport="body">
<div x-cloak x-modal:backdrop class="fixed z-40 inset-0 bg-black/70 animate-in ease-in-out duration-150 fade-in"></div>

Forced Action




Mobile Lg






Your session will end soon.

You've been inactive for too long. Please choose to stay signed in or sign out. Otherwise, you’ll be signed out automatically in 5 minutes.

<div x-modal>
<button x-modal:trigger class="rounded font-bold leading-none text-white px-5 py-3 bg-blue-60v hover:bg-blue-warm-70v active:bg-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Open modal with forced action</button>
<div x-cloak x-modal:dialog data-force-action class="fixed z-50 inset-0 overflow-y-auto flex items-center justify-center p-4 animate-in ease-in-out duration-150 fade-in">
<div x-modal:content class="@container relative w-full max-w-lg rounded-lg bg-white shadow-lg">
<div class="p-8 pt-10">
<h2 x-modal:title class="text-xl font-bold font-merriweather">Your session will end soon.</h2>
<div class="mt-4">
<p x-modal:description class="mt-2 text-gray-600">You've been inactive for too long. Please choose to stay signed in or sign out. Otherwise, you’ll be signed out automatically in 5 minutes.</p>
<div class="mt-6">
<ul class="flex flex-col @mobile-lg:flex-row gap-2">
<li class="flex">
<button x-modal:close-button type="button" class="rounded font-bold leading-none text-white px-5 py-3 bg-blue-60v hover:bg-blue-warm-70v active:bg-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Yes, stay signed in</button>
<li class="flex">
<button x-modal:close-button type="button" class="p-3 underline leading-none text-blue-60v bg-transparent hover:text-blue-warm-70v active:text-blue-warm-80v focus:outline focus:outline-4 focus:outline-offset-4 focus:outline-blue-40v">Sign out</button>
<template x-teleport="body">
<div x-cloak x-modal:backdrop class="fixed z-40 inset-0 bg-black/70 animate-in ease-in-out duration-150 fade-in"></div>

Component API


  • x-modal

    Custom Alpine directive that marks the Modal Root.


  • x-modal:trigger

    Custom Alpine directive that marks the Modal Trigger.


  • x-modal:dialog

    Custom Alpine directive that marks the Modal Dialog.

  • tabindex

    Type: number
    Value: -1

    Prevents users from tabbing to this element.

    Automatically handled with JavaScript.

  • aria-labelledby

    Type: string

    Accessibility attribute that links the Modal Dialog to the Modal Title via id.

    Automatically handled with JavaScript.

  • aria-describedby

    Type: string

    Accessibility attribute that links the Modal Dialog to the Modal Description via id.

    Automatically handled with JavaScript.

  • aria-modal

    Value: true

    Accessibility attribute that indicates that this element is a modal when displayed.

    Automatically handled with JavaScript.

  • role

    Value: 'combobox'

    Attribute that allows assistive technology identify that the content contained in the modal is grouped and seperate from the reast of the page content.

    Automatically handled with JavaScript.


  • x-modal:content

    Custom Alpine directive that marks the Modal Content.


  • x-modal:title

    Custom Alpine directive that marks the Modal Title.

  • id

    Type: string

    Used to link the Modal Title to the Modal Dialog via aria-labelledby.

    Automatically handled with JavaScript.


  • x-modal:description

    Custom Alpine directive that marks the Modal Title.

  • id

    Type: string

    Used to link the Modal Description to the Modal Dialog via aria-describedby.

    Automatically handled with JavaScript.

Close Button

  • x-modal:close-button

Custom Alpine directive that marks the Modal Close Button.


  • x-modal:backdrop

Custom Alpine directive that marks the Modal Backdrop.

This element is automatically appended to the document body, ensuring that this element always properly overlays page contents when opened.

Keyboard Interactions

  • Escape

    When the Modal Dialog is open, closes the Modal Dialog and moves focus to the Modal Trigger.